Turn 1
Turn 2
Stormlash comes in.
Turn 1
Black Claw - your Anklerender dies.
Bring in your Clockwork Gnome.
Turn 1
Build Turret - Stormlash dies. If not, just go on to the next step for your turret will kill him as you repair.
Whiskers comes in.
Turns 1-3
Turn 4
NOTE: If Whiskers is 551 HP or below after turn 4, Skip to turn 6. So he'll use Survival instead of Surge on your level pet. This is an estimate.
NOTE: If Whiskers is above 551 HP after turn 4, continue to Turn 5. So he'll use Survival instead of Surge on your level pet. This is an estimate.
Turn 5
Turn 6
Swap to your Level Pet.
Turn 7
Swap back to your Clockwork Gnome.
Turn 8
Build Turret - Whiskers dies.
Turn 9
Metal Fist - if you think you need to.
wrote on 2021-07-07 09:30:15
Doesn't work if he crits your gnome
wrote on 2021-03-26 19:08:58
I tried the Z. Anklerender/CW Gnome strat with an SS Breed and four times in a row on round 3, the Z.A. was totaled by Siren's Solar Flare (each time more than 900 dmg with that one hit). So I would recommend a different strat if you have an SS Z. A,
wrote on 2021-04-28 18:54:03
Patch 9.0.5 confirmed (i use a PP Toenibbler)
wrote on 2021-01-02 13:14:20
Fight duration 2:33 as per Pet Battle Log Keeper
wrote on 2020-12-12 10:09:00
worked like charm with (PP) Toenibbler
wrote on 2020-11-11 22:50:29
works great patch 9.0
wrote on 2020-10-20 03:16:57
Still worked
wrote on 2020-10-18 19:29:38
Still works after SL pre-patch.
wrote on 2020-09-06 11:33:07
Not Owner of strat but did test in Beta: Works just fine as it is.
wrote on 2020-10-15 06:18:40
just now did it so looks like something may have changed since beta. In 100s of attempts prior black claw+ turrent always got the kill in 1 turret round. This time was left with a few hundered hp. ( still should work just not as cleanly)
wrote on 2020-01-16 14:18:37
Quick note: As of Patch 8.3 Aki has moved from Mistfall Village to the top level of Moshugan Palace, near the LFR Queuers.
wrote on 2020-01-16 15:51:00
We put that in our 8.3 information article here: https://wow-petguide.com/?News=194
They've also move Obalis, and No-No now seems to require using Zidormi to access the battle. (edited)
wrote on 2020-01-17 08:55:25
Thanks! Actually for the last (month?) or so - i've been unable to see the main page... It simply came up blank with the Battle Links at the top - now that I've clicked your link, it all comes up normally again.
Chuo wrote on 2018-03-27 04:29:29
Use Teroclaw hatchling instead of clockwork gnome.
Even though alpha strike is "weak" against dragonkin. with black claw and the Lightning storm. just 2 alpha strikes without any rng will kill stormlash. And you only recieve 1 weak dragonkin buffed roar which does litterly no damage at all. Then your hatchling will just wreck Whiskers. And you can predict when he cast survival and you then switch to your level 1 carry pet and back to your hathcling ;)
wrote on 2018-03-28 13:37:42
Confirming this. Works like a charm, way better than CW Gnome.
For Whiskers (might need a bit more testing):
- Alpha Strike
- Dodge (Dive misses on this turn)
- Alpha Strike
- Alpha Strike*
- swap to carry
- swap to Teroclaw
- Dodge (Dive misses on the next turn)
- Alpha Strike - done.
*: Skip this one if Whiskers is around 30% (~480 HP) due to crits and proceed to swapping.
Chuo wrote on 2018-03-30 08:46:04
I came across this on accident. trying to make a speed kill strat. i looked at the last pet. being still a noobie. i didnt realize that alpha strike whould be weak against stormlash. Then i thought. Hmm why not try it out with lighting storm and black claw. and to my suprise. it just wrecked stormlash ;P
wrote on 2019-12-29 01:13:56
Excellent strat. I posted this strategy here and included a TD script: https://www.wow-petguide.com/index.php?Strategy=7511
wrote on 2019-12-11 03:02:28
Hopy wrote on 2019-02-15 13:30:37
AoE strat. 1st pet any +325 speed + pet change skill - i use Enchanted Broom + Sweep. Then 2nd your pet - any AoE pet with heal - Pandaren Fire Spirit - 2-2-1 AoE with 1st skill, heal with last one. Once you can use your low level pet. Long time start. But it is easy one without problems
wrote on 2018-06-18 08:03:35
works perfectly
wrote on 2017-12-04 03:55:34
An updated TD Script
change(#3) [enemy(#3).active & !self(#3).played & !self(#3).level.max & enemy.hp<560]
change(#2) [self(#3).active]
ability(Black Claw:919) [enemy(#2).active]
ability(Leap:364) [self.round>2]
if [weather(Lightning Storm:203)]
ability(Build Turret:710)
ability(Build Turret:710) [enemy.ability(Dive:564).usable]
Hobbyhorse wrote on 2017-06-19 06:51:56
This is my TD Script:
change(#2) [self(#1).dead]
change(#3) [enemy(#3).active & !self(#3).played & enemy.hp<550]
ability(Black Claw) [enemy(#2).active]
ability(Leap) [self.round>2]
if [weather(Lightning Storm)]
ability(Build Turret)
ability(Build Turret) [enemy.ability(Dive).usable]
Anonymous wrote on 2017-06-27 09:28:36
Perfect. Thanks.
Edonae wrote on 2017-08-28 21:02:26
Even simpler, I'm using:
ability(919) [enemy(#2).active]
change(#2) [enemy(#2).active]
change(#3) [!self(#3).played]
wrote on 2017-11-14 10:44:43
Your strategy work if Zandalari Anklerender has breath PP.
If Zandalari Anklerender has breath SS then the fight take more time, since your strategy only use Leep(364).
Your strategy do not swap to leveling pet.
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