S-5-H Clamps Roof Clamps | Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps | S-5! (2025)

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"animationDuration" : "transitionDuration"], i = parseInt(void 0 === t.forcedDuration ? i : t.forcedDuration, 10), !d && t.pos === s.currPos && i || (e = !1), "zoom" === e && (t.pos === s.currPos && i && "image" === t.type && !t.hasError && (l = s.getThumbPos(t)) ? c = s.getFitPos(t) : e = "fade"), "zoom" === e ? (s.isAnimating = !0, c.scaleX = c.width / l.width, c.scaleY = c.height / l.height, a = t.opts.zoomOpacity, "auto" == a && (a = Math.abs(t.width / t.height - l.width / l.height) > .1), a && (l.opacity = .1, c.opacity = 1), n.fancybox.setTranslate(t.$content.removeClass("fancybox-is-hidden"), l), p(t.$content), void n.fancybox.animate(t.$content, c, i, function () { s.isAnimating = !1, s.complete(); })) : (s.updateSlide(t), e ? (n.fancybox.stop(r), o = "fancybox-slide--" + (t.pos >= s.prevPos ? "next" : "previous") + " fancybox-animated fancybox-fx-" + e, r.addClass(o).removeClass("fancybox-slide--current"), t.$content.removeClass("fancybox-is-hidden"), p(r), "image" !== t.type && t.$content.hide().show(0), void n.fancybox.animate(r, "fancybox-slide--current", i, function () { r.removeClass(o).css({ transform: "", opacity: "" }), t.pos === s.currPos && s.complete(); }, !0)) : (t.$content.removeClass("fancybox-is-hidden"), u || !d || "image" !== t.type || t.hasError || t.$content.hide().fadeIn("fast"), void (t.pos === s.currPos && s.complete()))); }, getThumbPos: function getThumbPos(t) { var e, o, i, a, s, r = !1, c = t.$thumb; return !(!c || !g(c[0])) && (e = n.fancybox.getTranslate(c), o = parseFloat(c.css("border-top-width") || 0), i = parseFloat(c.css("border-right-width") || 0), a = parseFloat(c.css("border-bottom-width") || 0), s = parseFloat(c.css("border-left-width") || 0), r = { top: e.top + o, left: e.left + s, width: e.width - i - s, height: e.height - o - a, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, e.width > 0 && e.height > 0 && r); }, complete: function complete() { var t, e = this, o = e.current, i = {}; !e.isMoved() && o.isLoaded && (o.isComplete || (o.isComplete = !0, o.$slide.siblings().trigger("onReset"), e.preload("inline"), p(o.$slide), o.$slide.addClass("fancybox-slide--complete"), n.each(e.slides, function (t, o) { o.pos >= e.currPos - 1 && o.pos <= e.currPos + 1 ? i[o.pos] = o : o && (n.fancybox.stop(o.$slide), o.$slide.off().remove()); }), e.slides = i), e.isAnimating = !1, e.updateCursor(), e.trigger("afterShow"), o.opts.video.autoStart && o.$slide.find("video,audio").filter(":visible:first").trigger("play").one("ended", function () { Document.exitFullscreen ? Document.exitFullscreen() : this.webkitExitFullscreen && this.webkitExitFullscreen(), e.next(); }), o.opts.autoFocus && "html" === o.contentType && (t = o.$content.find("input[autofocus]:enabled:visible:first"), t.length ? t.trigger("focus") : e.focus(null, !0)), o.$slide.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0)); }, preload: function preload(t) { var e, n, o = this; o.group.length < 2 || (n = o.slides[o.currPos + 1], e = o.slides[o.currPos - 1], e && e.type === t && o.loadSlide(e), n && n.type === t && o.loadSlide(n)); }, focus: function focus(t, o) { var i, a, s = this, r = ["a[href]", "area[href]", 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])', "select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])", "iframe", "object", "embed", "video", "audio", "[contenteditable]", '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"])'].join(","); s.isClosing || (i = !t && s.current && s.current.isComplete ? s.current.$slide.find("*:visible" + (o ? ":not(.fancybox-close-small)" : "")) : s.$refs.container.find("*:visible"), i = i.filter(r).filter(function () { return "hidden" !== n(this).css("visibility") && !n(this).hasClass("disabled"); }), i.length ? (a = i.index(e.activeElement), t && t.shiftKey ? (a < 0 || 0 == a) && (t.preventDefault(), i.eq(i.length - 1).trigger("focus")) : (a < 0 || a == i.length - 1) && (t && t.preventDefault(), i.eq(0).trigger("focus"))) : s.$refs.container.trigger("focus")); }, activate: function activate() { var t = this; n(".fancybox-container").each(function () { var e = n(this).data("FancyBox"); e && e.id !== t.id && !e.isClosing && (e.trigger("onDeactivate"), e.removeEvents(), e.isVisible = !1); }), t.isVisible = !0, (t.current || t.isIdle) && (t.update(), t.updateControls()), t.trigger("onActivate"), t.addEvents(); }, close: function close(t, e) { var o, i, a, s, r, c, l, u = this, f = u.current, h = function h() { u.cleanUp(t); }; return !u.isClosing && (u.isClosing = !0, !1 === u.trigger("beforeClose", t) ? (u.isClosing = !1, d(function () { u.update(); }), !1) : (u.removeEvents(), a = f.$content, o = f.opts.animationEffect, i = n.isNumeric(e) ? e : o ? f.opts.animationDuration : 0, f.$slide.removeClass("fancybox-slide--complete fancybox-slide--next fancybox-slide--previous fancybox-animated"), !0 !== t ? n.fancybox.stop(f.$slide) : o = !1, f.$slide.siblings().trigger("onReset").remove(), i && u.$refs.container.removeClass("fancybox-is-open").addClass("fancybox-is-closing").css("transition-duration", i + "ms"), u.hideLoading(f), u.hideControls(!0), u.updateCursor(), "zoom" !== o || a && i && "image" === f.type && !u.isMoved() && !f.hasError && (l = u.getThumbPos(f)) || (o = "fade"), "zoom" === o ? (n.fancybox.stop(a), s = n.fancybox.getTranslate(a), c = { top: s.top, left: s.left, scaleX: s.width / l.width, scaleY: s.height / l.height, width: l.width, height: l.height }, r = f.opts.zoomOpacity, "auto" == r && (r = Math.abs(f.width / f.height - l.width / l.height) > .1), r && (l.opacity = 0), n.fancybox.setTranslate(a, c), p(a), n.fancybox.animate(a, l, i, h), !0) : (o && i ? n.fancybox.animate(f.$slide.addClass("fancybox-slide--previous").removeClass("fancybox-slide--current"), "fancybox-animated fancybox-fx-" + o, i, h) : !0 === t ? setTimeout(h, i) : h(), !0))); }, cleanUp: function cleanUp(e) { var o, i, a, s = this, r = s.current.opts.$orig; s.current.$slide.trigger("onReset"), s.$refs.container.empty().remove(), s.trigger("afterClose", e), s.current.opts.backFocus && (r && r.length && r.is(":visible") || (r = s.$trigger), r && r.length && (i = t.scrollX, a = t.scrollY, r.trigger("focus"), n("html, body").scrollTop(a).scrollLeft(i))), s.current = null, o = n.fancybox.getInstance(), o ? o.activate() : (n("body").removeClass("fancybox-active compensate-for-scrollbar"), n("#fancybox-style-noscroll").remove()); }, trigger: function trigger(t, e) { var o, i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), a = this, s = e && e.opts ? e : a.current; if (s ? i.unshift(s) : s = a, i.unshift(a), n.isFunction(s.opts[t]) && (o = s.opts[t].apply(s, i)), !1 === o) return o; "afterClose" !== t && a.$refs ? a.$refs.container.trigger(t + ".fb", i) : r.trigger(t + ".fb", i); }, updateControls: function updateControls() { var t = this, o = t.current, i = o.index, a = t.$refs.container, s = t.$refs.caption, r = o.opts.caption; o.$slide.trigger("refresh"), r && r.length ? (t.$caption = s, s.children().eq(0).html(r)) : t.$caption = null, t.hasHiddenControls || t.isIdle || t.showControls(), a.find("[data-fancybox-count]").html(t.group.length), a.find("[data-fancybox-index]").html(i + 1), a.find("[data-fancybox-prev]").prop("disabled", !o.opts.loop && i <= 0), a.find("[data-fancybox-next]").prop("disabled", !o.opts.loop && i >= t.group.length - 1), "image" === o.type ? a.find("[data-fancybox-zoom]").show().end().find("[data-fancybox-download]").attr("href", o.opts.image.src || o.src).show() : o.opts.toolbar && a.find("[data-fancybox-download],[data-fancybox-zoom]").hide(), n(e.activeElement).is(":hidden,[disabled]") && t.$refs.container.trigger("focus"); }, hideControls: function hideControls(t) { var e = this, n = ["infobar", "toolbar", "nav"]; !t && e.current.opts.preventCaptionOverlap || n.push("caption"), this.$refs.container.removeClass(n.map(function (t) { return "fancybox-show-" + t; }).join(" ")), this.hasHiddenControls = !0; }, showControls: function showControls() { var t = this, e = t.current ? t.current.opts : t.opts, n = t.$refs.container; t.hasHiddenControls = !1, t.idleSecondsCounter = 0, n.toggleClass("fancybox-show-toolbar", !(!e.toolbar || !e.buttons)).toggleClass("fancybox-show-infobar", !!(e.infobar && t.group.length > 1)).toggleClass("fancybox-show-caption", !!t.$caption).toggleClass("fancybox-show-nav", !!(e.arrows && t.group.length > 1)).toggleClass("fancybox-is-modal", !!e.modal); }, toggleControls: function toggleControls() { this.hasHiddenControls ? this.showControls() : this.hideControls(); } }), n.fancybox = { version: "3.5.7", defaults: a, getInstance: function getInstance(t) { var e = n('.fancybox-container:not(".fancybox-is-closing"):last').data("FancyBox"), o = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return e instanceof b && ("string" === n.type(t) ? e[t].apply(e, o) : "function" === n.type(t) && t.apply(e, o), e); }, open: function open(t, e, n) { return new b(t, e, n); }, close: function close(t) { var e = this.getInstance(); e && (e.close(), !0 === t && this.close(t)); }, destroy: function destroy() { this.close(!0), r.add("body").off("click.fb-start", "**"); }, isMobile: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent), use3d: function () { var n = e.createElement("div"); return t.getComputedStyle && t.getComputedStyle(n) && t.getComputedStyle(n).getPropertyValue("transform") && !(e.documentMode && e.documentMode < 11); }(), getTranslate: function getTranslate(t) { var e; return !(!t || !t.length) && (e = t[0].getBoundingClientRect(), { top: e.top || 0, left: e.left || 0, width: e.width, height: e.height, opacity: parseFloat(t.css("opacity")) }); }, setTranslate: function setTranslate(t, e) { var n = "", o = {}; if (t && e) return void 0 === e.left && void 0 === e.top || (n = (void 0 === e.left ? t.position().left : e.left) + "px, " + (void 0 === e.top ? t.position().top : e.top) + "px", n = this.use3d ? "translate3d(" + n + ", 0px)" : "translate(" + n + ")"), void 0 !== e.scaleX && void 0 !== e.scaleY ? n += " scale(" + e.scaleX + ", " + e.scaleY + ")" : void 0 !== e.scaleX && (n += " scaleX(" + e.scaleX + ")"), n.length && (o.transform = n), void 0 !== e.opacity && (o.opacity = e.opacity), void 0 !== e.width && (o.width = e.width), void 0 !== e.height && (o.height = e.height), t.css(o); }, animate: function animate(t, e, o, i, a) { var s, r = this; n.isFunction(o) && (i = o, o = null), r.stop(t), s = r.getTranslate(t), t.on(f, function (c) { (!c || !c.originalEvent || t.is(c.originalEvent.target) && "z-index" != c.originalEvent.propertyName) && (r.stop(t), n.isNumeric(o) && t.css("transition-duration", ""), n.isPlainObject(e) ? void 0 !== e.scaleX && void 0 !== e.scaleY && r.setTranslate(t, { top: e.top, left: e.left, width: s.width * e.scaleX, height: s.height * e.scaleY, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }) : !0 !== a && t.removeClass(e), n.isFunction(i) && i(c)); }), n.isNumeric(o) && t.css("transition-duration", o + "ms"), n.isPlainObject(e) ? (void 0 !== e.scaleX && void 0 !== e.scaleY && (delete e.width, delete e.height, t.parent().hasClass("fancybox-slide--image") && t.parent().addClass("fancybox-is-scaling")), n.fancybox.setTranslate(t, e)) : t.addClass(e), t.data("timer", setTimeout(function () { t.trigger(f); }, o + 33)); }, stop: function stop(t, e) { t && t.length && (clearTimeout(t.data("timer")), e && t.trigger(f), t.off(f).css("transition-duration", ""), t.parent().removeClass("fancybox-is-scaling")); } }, n.fn.fancybox = function (t) { var e; return t = t || {}, e = t.selector || !1, e ? n("body").off("click.fb-start", e).on("click.fb-start", e, { options: t }, i) : this.off("click.fb-start").on("click.fb-start", { items: this, options: t }, i), this; }, r.on("click.fb-start", "[data-fancybox]", i), r.on("click.fb-start", "[data-fancybox-trigger]", function (t) { n('[data-fancybox="' + n(this).attr("data-fancybox-trigger") + '"]').eq(n(this).attr("data-fancybox-index") || 0).trigger("click.fb-start", { $trigger: n(this) }); }), function () { var t = null; r.on("mousedown mouseup focus blur", ".fancybox-button", function (e) { switch (e.type) { case "mousedown": t = n(this); break; case "mouseup": t = null; break; case "focusin": n(".fancybox-button").removeClass("fancybox-focus"), n(this).is(t) || n(this).is("[disabled]") || n(this).addClass("fancybox-focus"); break; case "focusout": n(".fancybox-button").removeClass("fancybox-focus"); } }); }(); }}(window, document, jQuery), function (t) { "use strict"; var e = { youtube: { matcher: /(youtube\.com|youtu\.be|youtube\-nocookie\.com)\/(watch\?(.*&)?v=|v\/|u\/|embed\/?)?(videoseries\?list=(.*)|[\w-]{11}|\?listType=(.*)&list=(.*))(.*)/i, params: { autoplay: 1, autohide: 1, fs: 1, rel: 0, hd: 1, wmode: "transparent", enablejsapi: 1, html5: 1 }, paramPlace: 8, type: "iframe", url: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/$4", thumb: "https://img.youtube.com/vi/$4/hqdefault.jpg" }, vimeo: { matcher: /^.+vimeo.com\/(.*\/)?([\d]+)(.*)?/, params: { autoplay: 1, hd: 1, show_title: 1, show_byline: 1, show_portrait: 0, fullscreen: 1 }, paramPlace: 3, type: "iframe", url: "//player.vimeo.com/video/$2" }, instagram: { matcher: /(instagr\.am|instagram\.com)\/p\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\/?/i, type: "image", url: "//$1/p/$2/media/?size=l" }, gmap_place: { matcher: /(maps\.)?google\.([a-z]{2,3}(\.[a-z]{2})?)\/(((maps\/(place\/(.*)\/)?\@(.*),(\d+.?\d+?)z))|(\?ll=))(.*)?/i, type: "iframe", url: function url(t) { return "//maps.google." + t[2] + "/?ll=" + (t[9] ? t[9] + "&z=" + Math.floor(t[10]) + (t[12] ? t[12].replace(/^\//, "&") : "") : t[12] + "").replace(/\?/, "&") + "&output=" + (t[12] && t[12].indexOf("layer=c") > 0 ? 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"x" === n ? t.x - e.x : "y" === n ? t.y - e.y : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x - e.x, 2) + Math.pow(t.y - e.y, 2)) : 0; }, r = function r(t) { if (t.is('a,area,button,[role="button"],input,label,select,summary,textarea,video,audio,iframe') || n.isFunction(t.get(0).onclick) || t.data("selectable")) return !0; for (var e = 0, o = t[0].attributes, i = o.length; e < i; e++) { if ("data-fancybox-" === o[e].nodeName.substr(0, 14)) return !0; } return !1; }, c = function c(e) { var n = t.getComputedStyle(e)["overflow-y"], o = t.getComputedStyle(e)["overflow-x"], i = ("scroll" === n || "auto" === n) && e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight, a = ("scroll" === o || "auto" === o) && e.scrollWidth > e.clientWidth; return i || a; }, l = function l(t) { for (var e = !1; ;) { if (e = c(t.get(0))) break; if (t = t.parent(), !t.length || t.hasClass("fancybox-stage") || t.is("body")) break; } return e; }, d = function d(t) { var e = this; e.instance = t, e.$bg = t.$refs.bg, e.$stage = t.$refs.stage, e.$container = t.$refs.container, e.destroy(), e.$container.on("touchstart.fb.touch mousedown.fb.touch", n.proxy(e, "ontouchstart")); }; d.prototype.destroy = function () { var t = this; t.$container.off(".fb.touch"), n(e).off(".fb.touch"), t.requestId && (i(t.requestId), t.requestId = null), t.tapped && (clearTimeout(t.tapped), t.tapped = null); }, d.prototype.ontouchstart = function (o) { var i = this, c = n(o.target), d = i.instance, u = d.current, f = u.$slide, p = u.$content, h = "touchstart" == o.type; if (h && i.$container.off("mousedown.fb.touch"), (!o.originalEvent || 2 != o.originalEvent.button) && f.length && c.length && !r(c) && !r(c.parent()) && (c.is("img") || !(o.originalEvent.clientX > c[0].clientWidth + c.offset().left))) { if (!u || d.isAnimating || u.$slide.hasClass("fancybox-animated")) return o.stopPropagation(), void o.preventDefault(); i.realPoints = i.startPoints = a(o), i.startPoints.length && (u.touch && o.stopPropagation(), i.startEvent = o, i.canTap = !0, i.$target = c, i.$content = p, i.opts = u.opts.touch, i.isPanning = !1, i.isSwiping = !1, i.isZooming = !1, i.isScrolling = !1, i.canPan = d.canPan(), i.startTime = new Date().getTime(), i.distanceX = i.distanceY = i.distance = 0, i.canvasWidth = Math.round(f[0].clientWidth), i.canvasHeight = Math.round(f[0].clientHeight), i.contentLastPos = null, i.contentStartPos = n.fancybox.getTranslate(i.$content) || { top: 0, left: 0 }, i.sliderStartPos = n.fancybox.getTranslate(f), i.stagePos = n.fancybox.getTranslate(d.$refs.stage), i.sliderStartPos.top -= i.stagePos.top, i.sliderStartPos.left -= i.stagePos.left, i.contentStartPos.top -= i.stagePos.top, i.contentStartPos.left -= i.stagePos.left, n(e).off(".fb.touch").on(h ? "touchend.fb.touch touchcancel.fb.touch" : "mouseup.fb.touch mouseleave.fb.touch", n.proxy(i, "ontouchend")).on(h ? "touchmove.fb.touch" : "mousemove.fb.touch", n.proxy(i, "ontouchmove")), n.fancybox.isMobile && e.addEventListener("scroll", i.onscroll, !0), ((i.opts || i.canPan) && (c.is(i.$stage) || i.$stage.find(c).length) || (c.is(".fancybox-image") && o.preventDefault(), n.fancybox.isMobile && c.parents(".fancybox-caption").length)) && (i.isScrollable = l(c) || l(c.parent()), n.fancybox.isMobile && i.isScrollable || o.preventDefault(), (1 === i.startPoints.length || u.hasError) && (i.canPan ? (n.fancybox.stop(i.$content), i.isPanning = !0) : i.isSwiping = !0, i.$container.addClass("fancybox-is-grabbing")), 2 === i.startPoints.length && "image" === u.type && (u.isLoaded || u.$ghost) && (i.canTap = !1, i.isSwiping = !1, i.isPanning = !1, i.isZooming = !0, n.fancybox.stop(i.$content), i.centerPointStartX = .5 * (i.startPoints[0].x + i.startPoints[1].x) - n(t).scrollLeft(), i.centerPointStartY = .5 * (i.startPoints[0].y + i.startPoints[1].y) - n(t).scrollTop(), i.percentageOfImageAtPinchPointX = (i.centerPointStartX - i.contentStartPos.left) / i.contentStartPos.width, i.percentageOfImageAtPinchPointY = (i.centerPointStartY - i.contentStartPos.top) / i.contentStartPos.height, i.startDistanceBetweenFingers = s(i.startPoints[0], i.startPoints[1])))); } }, d.prototype.onscroll = function (t) { var n = this; n.isScrolling = !0, e.removeEventListener("scroll", n.onscroll, !0); }, d.prototype.ontouchmove = function (t) { var e = this; return void 0 !== t.originalEvent.buttons && 0 === t.originalEvent.buttons ? void e.ontouchend(t) : e.isScrolling ? void (e.canTap = !1) : (e.newPoints = a(t), void ((e.opts || e.canPan) && e.newPoints.length && e.newPoints.length && (e.isSwiping && !0 === e.isSwiping || t.preventDefault(), e.distanceX = s(e.newPoints[0], e.startPoints[0], "x"), e.distanceY = s(e.newPoints[0], e.startPoints[0], "y"), e.distance = s(e.newPoints[0], e.startPoints[0]), e.distance > 0 && (e.isSwiping ? e.onSwipe(t) : e.isPanning ? e.onPan() : e.isZooming && e.onZoom())))); }, d.prototype.onSwipe = function (e) { var a, s = this, r = s.instance, c = s.isSwiping, l = s.sliderStartPos.left || 0; if (!0 !== c) "x" == c && (s.distanceX > 0 && (s.instance.group.length < 2 || 0 === s.instance.current.index && !s.instance.current.opts.loop) ? l += Math.pow(s.distanceX, .8) : s.distanceX < 0 && (s.instance.group.length < 2 || s.instance.current.index === s.instance.group.length - 1 && !s.instance.current.opts.loop) ? l -= Math.pow(-s.distanceX, .8) : l += s.distanceX), s.sliderLastPos = { top: "x" == c ? 0 : s.sliderStartPos.top + s.distanceY, left: l }, s.requestId && (i(s.requestId), s.requestId = null), s.requestId = o(function () { s.sliderLastPos && (n.each(s.instance.slides, function (t, e) { var o = e.pos - s.instance.currPos; n.fancybox.setTranslate(e.$slide, { top: s.sliderLastPos.top, left: s.sliderLastPos.left + o * s.canvasWidth + o * e.opts.gutter }); }), s.$container.addClass("fancybox-is-sliding")); }); else if (Math.abs(s.distance) > 10) { if (s.canTap = !1, r.group.length < 2 && s.opts.vertical ? s.isSwiping = "y" : r.isDragging || !1 === s.opts.vertical || "auto" === s.opts.vertical && n(t).width() > 800 ? s.isSwiping = "x" : (a = Math.abs(180 * Math.atan2(s.distanceY, s.distanceX) / Math.PI), s.isSwiping = a > 45 && a < 135 ? "y" : "x"), "y" === s.isSwiping && n.fancybox.isMobile && s.isScrollable) return void (s.isScrolling = !0); r.isDragging = s.isSwiping, s.startPoints = s.newPoints, n.each(r.slides, function (t, e) { var o, i; n.fancybox.stop(e.$slide), o = n.fancybox.getTranslate(e.$slide), i = n.fancybox.getTranslate(r.$refs.stage), e.$slide.css({ transform: "", opacity: "", "transition-duration": "" }).removeClass("fancybox-animated").removeClass(function (t, e) { return (e.match(/(^|\s)fancybox-fx-\S+/g) || []).join(" "); }), e.pos === r.current.pos && (s.sliderStartPos.top = o.top - i.top, s.sliderStartPos.left = o.left - i.left), n.fancybox.setTranslate(e.$slide, { top: o.top - i.top, left: o.left - i.left }); }), r.SlideShow && r.SlideShow.isActive && r.SlideShow.stop(); } }, d.prototype.onPan = function () { var t = this; if (s(t.newPoints[0], t.realPoints[0]) < (n.fancybox.isMobile ? 10 : 5)) return void (t.startPoints = t.newPoints); t.canTap = !1, t.contentLastPos = t.limitMovement(), t.requestId && i(t.requestId), t.requestId = o(function () { n.fancybox.setTranslate(t.$content, t.contentLastPos); }); }, d.prototype.limitMovement = function () { var t, e, n, o, i, a, s = this, r = s.canvasWidth, c = s.canvasHeight, l = s.distanceX, d = s.distanceY, u = s.contentStartPos, f = u.left, p = u.top, h = u.width, g = u.height; return i = h > r ? f + l : f, a = p + d, t = Math.max(0, .5 * r - .5 * h), e = Math.max(0, .5 * c - .5 * g), n = Math.min(r - h, .5 * r - .5 * h), o = Math.min(c - g, .5 * c - .5 * g), l > 0 && i > t && (i = t - 1 + Math.pow(-t + f + l, .8) || 0), l < 0 && i < n && (i = n + 1 - Math.pow(n - f - l, .8) || 0), d > 0 && a > e && (a = e - 1 + Math.pow(-e + p + d, .8) || 0), d < 0 && a < o && (a = o + 1 - Math.pow(o - p - d, .8) || 0), { top: a, left: i }; }, d.prototype.limitPosition = function (t, e, n, o) { var i = this, a = i.canvasWidth, s = i.canvasHeight; return n > a ? (t = t > 0 ? 0 : t, t = t < a - n ? a - n : t) : t = Math.max(0, a / 2 - n / 2), o > s ? (e = e > 0 ? 0 : e, e = e < s - o ? s - o : e) : e = Math.max(0, s / 2 - o / 2), { top: e, left: t }; }, d.prototype.onZoom = function () { var e = this, a = e.contentStartPos, r = a.width, c = a.height, l = a.left, d = a.top, u = s(e.newPoints[0], e.newPoints[1]), f = u / e.startDistanceBetweenFingers, p = Math.floor(r * f), h = Math.floor(c * f), g = (r - p) * e.percentageOfImageAtPinchPointX, b = (c - h) * e.percentageOfImageAtPinchPointY, m = (e.newPoints[0].x + e.newPoints[1].x) / 2 - n(t).scrollLeft(), v = (e.newPoints[0].y + e.newPoints[1].y) / 2 - n(t).scrollTop(), y = m - e.centerPointStartX, x = v - e.centerPointStartY, w = l + (g + y), $ = d + (b + x), S = { top: $, left: w, scaleX: f, scaleY: f }; e.canTap = !1, e.newWidth = p, e.newHeight = h, e.contentLastPos = S, e.requestId && i(e.requestId), e.requestId = o(function () { n.fancybox.setTranslate(e.$content, e.contentLastPos); }); }, d.prototype.ontouchend = function (t) { var o = this, s = o.isSwiping, r = o.isPanning, c = o.isZooming, l = o.isScrolling; if (o.endPoints = a(t), o.dMs = Math.max(new Date().getTime() - o.startTime, 1), o.$container.removeClass("fancybox-is-grabbing"), n(e).off(".fb.touch"), e.removeEventListener("scroll", o.onscroll, !0), o.requestId && (i(o.requestId), o.requestId = null), o.isSwiping = !1, o.isPanning = !1, o.isZooming = !1, o.isScrolling = !1, o.instance.isDragging = !1, o.canTap) return o.onTap(t); o.speed = 100, o.velocityX = o.distanceX / o.dMs * .5, o.velocityY = o.distanceY / o.dMs * .5, r ? o.endPanning() : c ? o.endZooming() : o.endSwiping(s, l); }, d.prototype.endSwiping = function (t, e) { var o = this, i = !1, a = o.instance.group.length, s = Math.abs(o.distanceX), r = "x" == t && a > 1 && (o.dMs > 130 && s > 10 || s > 50); o.sliderLastPos = null, "y" == t && !e && Math.abs(o.distanceY) > 50 ? (n.fancybox.animate(o.instance.current.$slide, { top: o.sliderStartPos.top + o.distanceY + 150 * o.velocityY, opacity: 0 }, 200), i = o.instance.close(!0, 250)) : r && o.distanceX > 0 ? i = o.instance.previous(300) : r && o.distanceX < 0 && (i = o.instance.next(300)), !1 !== i || "x" != t && "y" != t || o.instance.centerSlide(200), o.$container.removeClass("fancybox-is-sliding"); }, d.prototype.endPanning = function () { var t, e, o, i = this; i.contentLastPos && (!1 === i.opts.momentum || i.dMs > 350 ? (t = i.contentLastPos.left, e = i.contentLastPos.top) : (t = i.contentLastPos.left + 500 * i.velocityX, e = i.contentLastPos.top + 500 * i.velocityY), o = i.limitPosition(t, e, i.contentStartPos.width, i.contentStartPos.height), o.width = i.contentStartPos.width, o.height = i.contentStartPos.height, n.fancybox.animate(i.$content, o, 366)); }, d.prototype.endZooming = function () { var t, e, o, i, a = this, s = a.instance.current, r = a.newWidth, c = a.newHeight; a.contentLastPos && (t = a.contentLastPos.left, e = a.contentLastPos.top, i = { top: e, left: t, width: r, height: c, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, n.fancybox.setTranslate(a.$content, i), r < a.canvasWidth && c < a.canvasHeight ? a.instance.scaleToFit(150) : r > s.width || c > s.height ? a.instance.scaleToActual(a.centerPointStartX, a.centerPointStartY, 150) : (o = a.limitPosition(t, e, r, c), n.fancybox.animate(a.$content, o, 150))); }, d.prototype.onTap = function (e) { var o, i = this, s = n(e.target), r = i.instance, c = r.current, l = e && a(e) || i.startPoints, d = l[0] ? l[0].x - n(t).scrollLeft() - i.stagePos.left : 0, u = l[0] ? l[0].y - n(t).scrollTop() - i.stagePos.top : 0, f = function f(t) { var o = c.opts[t]; if (n.isFunction(o) && (o = o.apply(r, [c, e])), o) switch (o) { case "close": r.close(i.startEvent); break; case "toggleControls": r.toggleControls(); break; case "next": r.next(); break; case "nextOrClose": r.group.length > 1 ? r.next() : r.close(i.startEvent); break; case "zoom": "image" == c.type && (c.isLoaded || c.$ghost) && (r.canPan() ? r.scaleToFit() : r.isScaledDown() ? r.scaleToActual(d, u) : r.group.length < 2 && r.close(i.startEvent)); } }; if ((!e.originalEvent || 2 != e.originalEvent.button) && (s.is("img") || !(d > s[0].clientWidth + s.offset().left))) { if (s.is(".fancybox-bg,.fancybox-inner,.fancybox-outer,.fancybox-container")) o = "Outside"; else if (s.is(".fancybox-slide")) o = "Slide"; else { if (!r.current.$content || !r.current.$content.find(s).addBack().filter(s).length) return; o = "Content"; } if (i.tapped) { if (clearTimeout(i.tapped), i.tapped = null, Math.abs(d - i.tapX) > 50 || Math.abs(u - i.tapY) > 50) return this; f("dblclick" + o); } else i.tapX = d, i.tapY = u, c.opts["dblclick" + o] && c.opts["dblclick" + o] !== c.opts["click" + o] ? i.tapped = setTimeout(function () { i.tapped = null, r.isAnimating || f("click" + o); }, 500) : f("click" + o); return this; } }, n(e).on("onActivate.fb", function (t, e) { e && !e.Guestures && (e.Guestures = new d(e)); }).on("beforeClose.fb", function (t, e) { e && e.Guestures && e.Guestures.destroy(); });}(window, document, jQuery), function (t, e) { "use strict"; e.extend(!0, e.fancybox.defaults, { btnTpl: { slideShow: '' }, slideShow: { autoStart: !1, speed: 3e3, progress: !0 } }); var n = function n(t) { this.instance = t, this.init(); }; e.extend(n.prototype, { timer: null, isActive: !1, $button: null, init: function init() { var t = this, n = t.instance, o = n.group[n.currIndex].opts.slideShow; t.$button = n.$refs.toolbar.find("[data-fancybox-play]").on("click", function () { t.toggle(); }), n.group.length < 2 || !o ? t.$button.hide() : o.progress && (t.$progress = e('

').appendTo(n.$refs.inner)); }, set: function set(t) { var n = this, o = n.instance, i = o.current; i && (!0 === t || i.opts.loop || o.currIndex < o.group.length - 1) ? n.isActive && "video" !== i.contentType && (n.$progress && e.fancybox.animate(n.$progress.show(), { scaleX: 1 }, i.opts.slideShow.speed), n.timer = setTimeout(function () { o.current.opts.loop || o.current.index != o.group.length - 1 ? o.next() : o.jumpTo(0); }, i.opts.slideShow.speed)) : (n.stop(), o.idleSecondsCounter = 0, o.showControls()); }, clear: function clear() { var t = this; clearTimeout(t.timer), t.timer = null, t.$progress && t.$progress.removeAttr("style").hide(); }, start: function start() { var t = this, e = t.instance.current; e && (t.$button.attr("title", (e.opts.i18n[e.opts.lang] || e.opts.i18n.en).PLAY_STOP).removeClass("fancybox-button--play").addClass("fancybox-button--pause"), t.isActive = !0, e.isComplete && t.set(!0), t.instance.trigger("onSlideShowChange", !0)); }, stop: function stop() { var t = this, e = t.instance.current; t.clear(), t.$button.attr("title", (e.opts.i18n[e.opts.lang] || e.opts.i18n.en).PLAY_START).removeClass("fancybox-button--pause").addClass("fancybox-button--play"), t.isActive = !1, t.instance.trigger("onSlideShowChange", !1), t.$progress && t.$progress.removeAttr("style").hide(); }, toggle: function toggle() { var t = this; t.isActive ? t.stop() : t.start(); } }), e(t).on({ "onInit.fb": function onInitFb(t, e) { e && !e.SlideShow && (e.SlideShow = new n(e)); }, "beforeShow.fb": function beforeShowFb(t, e, n, o) { var i = e && e.SlideShow; o ? i && n.opts.slideShow.autoStart && i.start() : i && i.isActive && i.clear(); }, "afterShow.fb": function afterShowFb(t, e, n) { var o = e && e.SlideShow; o && o.isActive && o.set(); }, "afterKeydown.fb": function afterKeydownFb(n, o, i, a, s) { var r = o && o.SlideShow; !r || !i.opts.slideShow || 80 !== s && 32 !== s || e(t.activeElement).is("button,a,input") || (a.preventDefault(), r.toggle()); }, "beforeClose.fb onDeactivate.fb": function beforeCloseFbOnDeactivateFb(t, e) { var n = e && e.SlideShow; n && n.stop(); } }), e(t).on("visibilitychange", function () { var n = e.fancybox.getInstance(), o = n && n.SlideShow; o && o.isActive && (t.hidden ? o.clear() : o.set()); });}(document, jQuery), function (t, e) { "use strict"; var n = function () { for (var e = [["requestFullscreen", "exitFullscreen", "fullscreenElement", "fullscreenEnabled", "fullscreenchange", "fullscreenerror"], ["webkitRequestFullscreen", "webkitExitFullscreen", "webkitFullscreenElement", "webkitFullscreenEnabled", "webkitfullscreenchange", "webkitfullscreenerror"], ["webkitRequestFullScreen", "webkitCancelFullScreen", "webkitCurrentFullScreenElement", "webkitCancelFullScreen", "webkitfullscreenchange", "webkitfullscreenerror"], ["mozRequestFullScreen", "mozCancelFullScreen", "mozFullScreenElement", "mozFullScreenEnabled", "mozfullscreenchange", "mozfullscreenerror"], ["msRequestFullscreen", "msExitFullscreen", "msFullscreenElement", "msFullscreenEnabled", "MSFullscreenChange", "MSFullscreenError"]], n = {}, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var i = e[o]; if (i && i[1] in t) { for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { n[e[0][a]] = i[a]; } return n; } } return !1; }(); if (n) { var o = { request: function request(e) { e = e || t.documentElement, e[n.requestFullscreen](e.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); }, exit: function exit() { t[n.exitFullscreen](); }, toggle: function toggle(e) { e = e || t.documentElement, this.isFullscreen() ? this.exit() : this.request(e); }, isFullscreen: function isFullscreen() { return Boolean(t[n.fullscreenElement]); }, enabled: function enabled() { return Boolean(t[n.fullscreenEnabled]); } }; e.extend(!0, e.fancybox.defaults, { btnTpl: { fullScreen: '' }, fullScreen: { autoStart: !1 } }), e(t).on(n.fullscreenchange, function () { var t = o.isFullscreen(), n = e.fancybox.getInstance(); n && (n.current && "image" === n.current.type && n.isAnimating && (n.isAnimating = !1, n.update(!0, !0, 0), n.isComplete || n.complete()), n.trigger("onFullscreenChange", t), n.$refs.container.toggleClass("fancybox-is-fullscreen", t), n.$refs.toolbar.find("[data-fancybox-fullscreen]").toggleClass("fancybox-button--fsenter", !t).toggleClass("fancybox-button--fsexit", t)); }); } e(t).on({ "onInit.fb": function onInitFb(t, e) { var i; if (!n) return void e.$refs.toolbar.find("[data-fancybox-fullscreen]").remove(); e && e.group[e.currIndex].opts.fullScreen ? 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(e.$button.removeAttr("style").on("click", function () { e.toggle(); }), e.isActive = !0) : e.$button.hide(); }, create: function create() { var t, o = this, i = o.instance, a = o.opts.parentEl, s = []; o.$grid || (o.$grid = e('

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6418

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.