Callum Williams,KBABZ,Samuel Heaney,+12 more
Following Kay's explosive escape from Sliro's mansion in the Outlaws mission, we'll pick up the story immediately, beginning Star Wars Outlaws' third mission: Crashed. Our walkthrough will guide you through every section of Kay's first steps on Toshara, including tips for sneaking through enemy encounters, finding useful resources for upgrades and tracking down key points of interest.
Looking for a specific part of this walkthrough? Use the links below to jump between each major section:
- Kay's Adrenaline Meter
- Reaching Mirogana
- Free Roam Unlocked
Crashed Walkthrough
Following the chaotic ending of the last mission, Kay and Nix will crash land on the planet of Toshara. In the aftermath of the impact, a persistent Nix wakes Kay. The ship is intact, but not enough to get them off the ground. Kay finds a jacket and is just about ready to set out for adventure, but it finds her first. Opening up the back of her ship, she runs into a mechanic fleeing from a group of bandits who are now flying straight towards our ship. After the cutscene, Kay will dip into cover as the bandits fire a volley of bullets in our direction.
Kay's Adrenaline Meter
It's time to get shooting, but you'll get to do this in style by using Kay's Adrenaline Rush shots. Kay's Adrenaline Meter fills as she's under pressure, allowing you to use that pressure for focused fire. You'll know it's time to do some fancy shooting as soon as you see the blaster icon at the bottom right of the screen turn Push the right and left sticks on your controller or press X on PC to activate the firing mode.
Time slows down, allowing you to mark your targets. The number of targets you can mark is indicated by the red diamond symbols above the firing reticle.Once you've marked your targets with the indicated button prompt, fire to submit your selections for destruction.
Take out the three bandits using Kay's Adrenaline Rush firing mode. With them swiftly removed from the equation, you're able to talk to the mechanic. The mechanic, who reveals his name is Waka, offers to help Kay and she's not in any position to refuse. When you regain control, return to the ship and approach the speeder for another short scene. Now you're ready to make your way to Mirogana.
Reaching Mirogana
Hop on the speeder and drive away from the crash site. Turn right toward the northeast and you'll see a dirt road in the distance. Hop on it for now then turn right at the fork and go at full speed to make the most of the natural ramp at the end of this short path.
Curve left after the ramp or drop down into the river, but either way you go you'll be confronted by more bandits. The waypoint you're following to Mirogana updates too, pointing you north. It’s at this point that the game will teach you some new dodging mechanics. To shift the speeder right or left to avoid incoming fire, hit R1 / RB / E key to dodge right and L1 / LB / Q key to dodge left. Cross the river and find your way back to the dirt road, but do your best to dodge the incoming fire from the bandits. Their speeders are surprisingly fast, though, so don't be too surprised if they're right on your tail or force you off the path to Mirogana.
Not long after the river, the road splits again but this time you'll want to go left. However, if you're struggling to keep your distance from the bandits, it's okay to veer off and make your way back to the path. If you feel like you're getting lost remember to take a look at the compass on the top of the screen and follow the yellow waypoint.
If you went left you'll get to go over another neat natural ramp that should land you in some water (no problem for the speeder). Watch out for the wildlife and aim to pass through the wreckage beyond the water. Waka calls around this time too and advises your best bet to lose the bandits is simply by reaching Mirogana.
Alternatively… you can use the Adrenaline Rush you've built this whole time and wipe out all three of the bandits. But that's only if you're feeling a little extra chaotic. After you've passed through the tunnel, continue driving forward toward the northeast, following the yellow marker on the compass. You'll pass a small building that looks like a gas station and return to the road. Not far up ahead is Mirogana. As you cross the bridge into the city any trailing bandits (if there are any left) will pull off and leave Kay alone.
Kay calls Waka once she's reached the relative safety of the city. Follow the road up and right toward the city's entrance while the two talk about the Trailblazer. As you approach the top of the hill, a Hold L2 / LT / the S key to break prompt will appear, indicating it's time to leave the speeder behind and start the next main quest, Underworld, by entering the Imperial Checkpoint.
Free Roam Unlocked
Note that at this point you can stray from the main path and start finding and completing side activities, although we recommend playing through a little bit more of the main campaign before you start fully branching out. There are a ton of gadgets and other useful things that will be handed to you throughout your time in Toshara, so by mainlining the story for a little longer, you'll be more prepared to see everything Outlaws' world has to offer. If you want to get your side quest backlog brewing, though, you can enter the open doorway on the first floor of the Mirogana roundabout to find an intel quest.
Walk past the shopkeeper and his droid. Then, use Nix's scan ability to highlight the items in the room, starting with the pile just past the entryway. Walk further into the room and you'll spot a grapple point high up. Not far below it is a datapad with the message called "MG Rescue Service" that unlocks new intel for a Crashed Speeder. There's nothing to do up on the higher platform at the moment. Walk around the large canister and crates in the middle of the big back room and you'll find another item spot. That's all you find here for now. You can explore more or move on to the next quest.
Up Next: Underworld Walkthrough
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